Trains Theme Web

A quick recap ss I greeted the children for the second term of school, the children were very enthusiastic to be back at school and were eager to begin learning. Whilst talking to the children during circle time about what they did over the Christmas holidays, I discovered that they were very interested in the idea of transportation. I asked them what they thought if we explored this theme to which they were all in agreement. For the first 2 days, I kept activities as general as possible to do with transportation until I had a clear set of vehicles the children wished to investigate. The children gave up these options: buses, trains. motorcycles, delivery vans and aeroplanes. During a discussion on what the children wished to do, tensions arose quickly and a small fight broke out.

As a way to remedy this, I set up a poll in the classroom in which I said the different examples and the children raised their hands. Surprisingly the children chose hands down the theme of trains. I clarified if the children wished to do trains and they seemed very excited, wanting to know more about what a train is and what it does. From thier prior knowledge the children knew that a train can produce white smoke (steam) ‘Duhhan’

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