Video quiz: At the harbour

During our second lunch time today, the children were talking between themselves when all of a sudden I hear a voice shouting out “Sir, Sir look what I have”. I promptly looked over to see Z.B holding a piece of apple in his hand. he exclaimed that he loved apples because they are sweet. the other children also took the chance to talk about what they had in their lunchbox. In total we found out that 3 children had apples, 2 had oranges, 1 child had slices of peach, 5 had slices of banana and 4 had sliced grapes. Yummy Yum!!! I thought to myself, this is an opportune time to see if the children remember what they had done during the previous theme of Food which did consist of fruit and vegetables. After lunch, we went outside to play thus being unable to open upon their knowledge at school.

I have set up this quiz as it not only applies with out current theme but also ties in our previous theme of Food, therefore bridging knowledge in the children’s minds so that they could make better connections between objects and thoughts.I invite you to watch the video clip below (press on the picture) with your children and then go through the questions together. The link will open on a new tab so that you would be able to switch easily between the quiz and the video for reference

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